What we do
Our vision is for all communities to receive best practice care from the nursing and midwifery professions. This vision supports the functions undertaken by staff in ANMAC’s Accreditation Services and Skilled Migration Services.
See our Strategic Statement 2021-2024 (115 KB) to read about our mission and objectives.
We are the external accreditation entity for nursing and midwifery programs of study
ANMAC has been established as an external accreditation entity by the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA) to exercise selected accreditation functions on their behalf, under agreement with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (Ahpra) ) [s 43, 1b, Health Practitioner Regulation National Law Act 2009 (National Law), as in force in each state and territory). ANMAC, as an external entity, is a separate organisation to the NMBA.
ANMAC’s accreditation functions are detailed in the National Law, which is the legislative instrument used to implement Australia’s National Registration and Accreditation Scheme; these functions include:
- developing accreditation standards for approval by a National Board [s 42a]
- assessing programs of study, and the education providers that provide the programs of study, to determine whether the programs meet approved accreditation standards [s 43b]
- making recommendations and giving advice to a National Board about the above matters [s 42e].
ANMAC accreditation functions are managed by our Accreditation Services.
We are an independent assessing authority for skilled migration of nurses and midwives
ANMAC is the approved, independent assessing authority authorised by the Department of Home Affairs to assess the skills of nurses and midwives who are seeking to migrate to Australia under the Australian Government’s General Skilled Migration program.
The following functions are undertaken by our Skilled Migration Services:
- assess the skills of nurses and midwives for general migration purposes
- assess internationally qualified nurses and midwives seeking to work in Australia under the General Skilled Migration program
- provide relevant organisations with advice on matters relating to skilled migration of nurses and midwives.
The Department of Education, Skills and Employment’s approval of ANMAC as an assessing authority is subject to ongoing review as outlined in the Guidelines for Skilled Migration Assessing Authorities. The scope of ANMAC’s skills assessments is defined by formal legislative instruments relevant to nursing and midwifery occupations.
We engage with stakeholders to make a positive difference
ANMAC is open to contributing to projects that relate to nursing and midwifery practice, education, regulation and workforce. If you have questions or wish to invite ANMAC staff to participate in a project, please contact:
The Chief Executive Officer
Mail: Australian Nursing and Midwifery Accreditation Council
GPO Box 400
Canberra City ACT 2601, or
Email: OfficeoftheCEO@anmac.org.au