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Program monitoring

The Monitoring Phase of accreditation commences with NMBA program approval and concludes when the program expires and transition and teach-out arrangements are completed or the expired program is no longer offered. For more information, please refer to our Program teach-out and transition policy (244 KB) and Monitoring policy or email 

Program monitoring also encompasses prospective and retrospective notification to ANMAC of program changes.  

Steps for education providers

Following these steps will help you meet your reporting obligations.

Step 1. Review your ANMAC Outcome of Assessment letter

This letter details your requirements relevant to routine and targeted monitoring, accreditation conditions and reporting of program changes. Please note: 

  • All education providers will need to submit an annual Program Monitoring Report as part of routine monitoring of approved programs of study  
  • Some education providers will need to submit evidence against specific criteria in the relevant accreditation standards by designated timelines due to targeted monitoring and/or accreditation condition(s) being applied to their approved program.  

Routine monitoring

Step 2. Submit your annual Program Monitoring Report (PMR)for assessment by ANMAC  

  • You will receive the ANMAC PMR template one month prior to the anniversary date of your program’s NMBA approval  
  • Submit the completed PMR template to ANMAC by the anniversary date.  

Step 3. Respond to any email request for further evidence by the specified date 

Step 4. We will email you the ANMAC assessment decision and relevant information about accreditation conditions, monitoring and notification of program changes.  

Targeted monitoring and accreditation conditions

Step 2 Submit for assessment by ANMAC required evidence to meet the targeted monitoring 

  • You will receive an email reminder to submit your targeted monitoring report and/or accreditation condition report if not received on the due date 
  • Submit narrative and supporting evidence against specified criteria by the due date as outlined in your Outcome of Accreditation Assessment Report

Step 3. Respond to any email request for further evidence by the specified date 

Step 4. We will email you the ANMAC assessment decision and relevant information about accreditation conditions, monitoring and notification of program changes.  

Ad hoc monitoring

If targeted monitoring occurs in response to concerns that an approved program may no longer meet relevant accreditation standards (e.g. upon receiving a complaint) ANMAC will contact you by phone and/or email to inform you of the concerns and what is required to demonstrate your program continues to meet relevant accreditation standards.

Review date: 
Thursday, 17 February 2022

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